Filming for Baker Dearing Trust
A film crew have descended at Fairfields HQ today. Electric Egg are here to make a promotional film on behalf of the Baker Dearing Educational Trust, to promote employer partnerships across the University Technical College network and showcase successful apprenticeship programmes. The Trust was founded by Lord Baker and Lord Dearing to develop and promote the concept of university technical colleges. It sits at the centre of the UTC network to promote and support new and existing UTCs. It aims to raise awareness of UTCs with the government, the media and the public by increasing the profile of the colleges to ensure everyone has an understanding of UTCs and what they can offer to young people, employers and the wider community.
Fairfields have been working closely with Lincoln UTC over the past 2 years, offering work experience placements to students, providing course specific presentations to nurture their interest in electrical and controls engineering and being a sponsor at their awards event last September. We employed our first UTC graduate as an apprentice last summer. We believe the partnership with Lincoln UTC will go a long way into bridging the skills gap and enable us to continue our successful and long-standing apprenticeship programme with the next generation of electrical engineers.
We look forward to seeing the final edit next month!